BestaMed is ranked 4th by credit rating from pharmaceutical companies in Bulgaria, consolidating it as the company with the highest trust and reputation in the sector

ICAP Bulgaria Analysis awards 14th place to BestaMed in top 20 leading companies in the sector

BestaMed is ranked 4th in Bulgaria by its credit rating estimation and 14th in revenue from sales among the leading companies in the pharmaceutical sector. This shows the data from the ICAP Bulgaria Sectoral Analysis of October 2018, taking into account the activity of the companies in the pharmaceutical branch for 2017.

“The top 20 of the leading companies in the sector have significantly improved operational efficiency and excellent balance,” quoted in the sectoral analysis of ICAP Bulgaria. As regards the credit risk in the report BestaMed is a low credit risk company. ICAP Bulgaria’s credit risk is “assessing the ability of companies to repay their debt and / or the risk of declaring bankruptcy within one year. This assessment is based on the analysis of commercial and financial information provided by official sources and is a comparison of the company with other similar business entities in the same sector.”

“The analysis of ICAP Bulgaria confirms our credo and message to the companies that” Trust is All” and that BestaMed is the partner to trust,” thus Milena Ivanova, Manager of the company, comments the report.

ICAP Bulgaria is a credit risk assessment company to help other companies, banking and financial institutions identify and manage the risk associated with commercial transactions. Since 2011, ICAP has been working with the world leader in the provision of credit & business intelligence services – Dun & Bradstreet (D & B). The assessment tool used by ICAP is certified by the European Central Bank for the purposes of the Eurosystem credit risk assessment.

BestaMed is established to provide solutions and services to companies, operating in the Bulgarian and European pharmaceutical market. It has achieved its sustainable growth due to the established trust as a healthcare partner with high and valued expertise in the import, pre-distribution and distribution of medicinal products, food supplements and medical devices from EU countries in Bulgaria. The company is a member of BAMPTD and EAEPC.

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